The Highest Good is Like Water
The highest good is like water.
Water benefits all things generously without striving with them.
Staying in the lowly place that men disdain,
It is close to Tao.
It knows to keep near to the ground in choosing the dwelling.
It knows to hide in the hidden deep in cultivating the mind.
It knows to keep its works in speaking.
It knows to maintain order in governing.
It knows to be efficient in handing business.
It knows to choose the right moment in making a move.
Since it does not strive with others, It is free from blame. ---Tao Te Ching(道德经)
shàng shàn ruò shuǐ
上 善 若 水。
shuǐ shàn lì wàn wù ér bù zhēng
水 善 利 万 物 而 不 争,
chǔ zhòng rén zhī suǒ wù
处 众 人 之 所 恶,
gù jī yú dào
故几于 道。
jū shàn dì
居 善 地,
xīn shàn yuān
心 善 渊,
yǔ shàn rén
与 善 仁,
yán shàn xìn
言 善 信,
zhèng shàn zhì
政 善 治,
shì shàn néng
事 善 能,
dòng shàn shí
动 善 时。
fū wéi bù zhēng
夫 唯 不 争,
gù wú yóu
故 无 尤。
dào dé jīng ---《道 德 经》
(Photo copyright: Xie Daoshun)